Microsoft DOS


  • Cores:
    • dosbox_pure (default)
    • dosbox_core
  • Path(s): pc
  • Supported Extensions: .dosz, disk images (iso, cue, img, ima, vhd) can be put into the .dosz


DOSBox Pure

The default DOS emulator is now DOSBox Pure. The process of adding games that you own to DOSBox Pure is very simple, here is an example with One Must Fall 2097:

  • On your PC open the game folder, in our example the “OMF” folder.
  • Select all of the files and zip them creating “”.
  • Rename the freshly created “” into “Game Name.dosz”, for example “One Must Fall 2097.dosz”.
  • On your device place the game into the “pc” folder on your games partition.
  • Press Start, select Games Settings, and then Update Games Lists.
  • Once you are back in EmulationStation press Start and select Scrape to scape your game metadata.
  • Play!

WARNING: Windows defaults to hiding file extensions. Please make sure that you turn off “hide file extensions” in Windows to make sure that it isn’t leaving a hidden .zip at the end of your .dosz file.

DOSBox Core

DOSBox Core requires some additional setup. Please follow these instructions to set up the BIOS files.

You’ll need the BASS and BASSMIDI libraries and the MT32 roms.

BASS libraries

  • Go to BASS downloads. In the top right, click on the download link for Linux. Scroll down to the Add-ons section and click on the Linux link for BASSMIDI.
  • Unzip both files. Copy bass[xx]-linux/libs/aarch64/ and bassmidi[xx]-linux/libs/aarch64/ to your BIOS folder.

MT32 roms

The MT32 roms are copyrighted material and cannot be shared. Like other BIOS files, you’ll need to source them on your own. You’ll need to add MT32_CONTROL.ROM and MT32_PCM.ROM to your BIOS folder.

BIOS md5
MT32_CONTROL.ROM 5626206284b22c2734f3e9efefcd2675
MT32_PCM.ROM 89e42e386e82e0cacb4a2704a03706ca